Memories and Messages
Those who wish are invited to share photos, memories and messages as we reflect on Calvin and his caring, thoughtful, while often mischievous, ways.
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What Calvin’s Fans Are Sharing…
Patrick Daly
When Calvin and I were in Little League, we were always on different teams. Throughout my 4 years at Central, there was always good-natured trash talking going on at school before the game. There was also an All-Star team where the top players from each team would come together and face other Little Leagues from around the area. Getting to play with Calvin and the rest of my friends was an amazing experience. Calvin and I would play middle infield (Shortstop and Second Base) together. Playing with Calvin was much better than having to go against him. You knew that if you hit the ball to him, you could start heading back to the dugout because there was no way that he was making an error. Getting to play with him on the Buford team has let me see how much he had grown from being the little 9 year old on majors to being one of the best players at the school. He will forever be remembered as a great teammate, and an even better friend. I am heartbroken that he won’t be able to continue his baseball career. Down to his last day he was still always playing ball. His love of the game never wavered. While his story ends, the memories that he has left in everyone’s hearts will live forever. Miss you C. Love, Patty.
Abe Jaspen
I will always remember Calvin for lots of reasons. He was just so special because he always knew exactly how someone felt and also because he knew how he felt. He would never let anyone walk over him or his friends which meant so much to me. He has also introduced me to so many different people, and taught me other ways to have fun. I’m still processing what life without having one of best friends is going to be like, but i know that i’ll never be completely alone. I love him and everyone he cared about.
Aubrey Hill
Calvin has impacted many lives with his amazing personality. I have so many memories of him that make me smile but one of my favorite memories was when the Outer Banks new season came out. Calvin asked me if I wanted to watch it with him. I responded saying I was on the sixth episode and he told me to not watch anymore. A few days later my siblings and I went over to the Korab-Ness house for a sleepover and Calvin was very quiet. On our way back from the park I asked what he was doing on his phone. He gave me his classic smirk and said, “Outer Banks episode six”. That night we stayed up pretty late watching the next three episodes together on his phone while everyone else fell asleep.
I could never really describe our relationship but it was important to both of us for many reasons. He would stay up to text me even if he was tired and his classic smirk always made my day. And if a random person sat with him he could create conversation in a matter of minutes. At my age it is hard to fully comprehend that he is gone. All the memories that have come to me since losing him serve as even more reminders of how much he cared. He would let some people that he trusted really get to know him. I feel so lucky to have been one of those people. I love and miss him so much.
Garrett Wispelwey
I have a lot of memories with Calvin. Playing soccer, football, basketball, frisbee golf, riding bikes on the trails around town, wrestling with Robinson and Moose, school, Covid home school, and Ms. Reedal's book club, but my favorite memory is from a game in the majors at Central Little League. We weren't on the same team, but it was always fun to play against Calvin because of how badly he wanted to win. When I would play first base and he would get a hit, we would always have some friendly trash talk. One time, Calvin was pitching and I hit a one-hopper to the fence. He shook his head and smiled at me when I was on second base and we both laughed. My next at bat, he threw one behind my head. Jason called timeout to talk to him and we both laughed again. As competitive as Calvin was, he was an even better friend, so when I got in Jason's truck for the drive to school the next day, Calvin and I laughed and joked about the game.
Sam Sink
I first met Calvin in Little League during the final year I played. There were only enough players for two teams and Calvin was on the Orange team. I was on the other team and we played them every week. The one thing I remember is that Calvin came ready to play every Saturday. He was so glad to be doing what he loved. As luck would have it, in my second season playing Babe Ruth League, Calvin was on my team. Calvin was always in a good mood whether he was hitting great or in a batting slump. He was there for his teammates when things were rough. It had been about 6 months since I had last seen Calvin when I heard about Calvin’s accident. I wish I had gotten the chance to say goodbye. I will always remember Calvin for his amazing team spirit and positive attitude. I’m so glad our lives crossed paths. Thanks for everything, C. I know I’ll see you again.
Cam Steele
Calvin was always a great kid to play in baseball. I remember the final season I ever played in Central Little League, there were only two teams: My team and Calvin's team. Calvin and his little brother Robinson were not only good players, but also just genuinely fun players, always trying different tactics. But no matter what happened, at school the next Monday, Calvin would always tell me what a great game it was. I will really miss all the fun times I experienced with Calvin, and I will never forget them.
Andy Jaspen
Calvin, I'll never forget either the first or last times I saw you playing baseball. In both instances, you were in the batting cage, taking swings at Pen Park. In the first, you were probably 8 years old, and somebody had told me about the kid in the minors whose dad was joining the CLL board, and he "is a really good player for a such a little kid." And sure enough, there you were, taking really hard swings, and impressing several of us who watched. Over the years, as I both coached you and saw your development from the sidelines, you put some pretty exceptional skills on display regularly: laying down a perfect bunt, getting a key hit, moving your feet in the infield, and hustling in a way few kids do on the field. The last time I saw you at the park was the Wednesday before your final game; you were by yourself, in the new cage at Pen Park, swinging off the tee - "putting in the work" as they say. Knowing your baseball road to that point had been a windy one of late, filled with both success and challenges, it gave me great satisfaction watching you that day. Your swing was as smooth and strong as I'd ever seen from you. I just stood and watched, thinking to myself how far you had come, both as a player and also as a person. It was satisfying to see that you were on the right track and that you were smart and strong enough to find a way to still be in the batting cage that day, putting in the work. In that moment, I felt thankful that you were a friend to Abe and all the others who would benefit being around you and feeling inspiration from your own strength and resolve.
Calvin, your friends, now young men and women more than kids, will need your strength and resolve more than ever. And your parents and Robinson and Mallory will, too. I know you're up there taking swings and hopefully smiling down at the rest of us, as we make our way through this life, trying to find the same strength and resolve that you had until your last day. I will miss you, Calvin.
Jenny Jaspen
So much love to the Korab-Ness family from the Phillips-Jaspen family. Calvin, you taught us all to live with a twinkle in our eye. Thank you! We miss you and will always remember.
Heather Hill
During the last teacher workday, I took the Ness/Hill kids (affectionately referred to as "the Nells") to the Massanutten indoor water park. At one point there was a rare opportunity to capture all six kids in the same place as they were soaking in the warmer pool. While I pulled my phone out to take a photo to send to Elizabeth, Calvin communicated something to the other five kids unbeknownst to me. When I counted to three and snapped the shot, all six of them were underwater and not a face to be seen!
Calvin, you were always up to something, keeping me on my toes. I loved our time together more than you could have ever known. I will miss the little moments so much - reminding you to put on your seatbelt for the 1000th time, texting each other vacation photos while on break, navigating the Wendy’s drive through for our “Frosty and fries Fridays”, pantry loading some of your favorite things so you could raid them after school, your devilish smirk, your beautiful smile, and your boundless heart which took a piece of mine with it when you left us without warning. I love you, C, and am comforted I was able to tell you in your last days, which you acknowledged with that one-of-a-kind smile. XOXO
Coach Caleb Davis
Calvin is a very special kid to me. I remember when my mother told me she had found a kid to do baseball lessons with. Calvin was always willing to learn and get better since the first day I met him. And for the 3 years that I have worked with him, his skills were improving like no other kid I have worked with. We used to talk about college baseball and he used to heckle me for liking the Red Sox. I got to know Calvin well and would go and watch his games. I was lucky enough to be Calvin’s coach at Buford Middle School as well. Seeing him everyday and hearing all the funny stories he used to tell me help me continue to coach and help change young lives. I owe Calvin Ness and his family everything for what they have done for me. He was the start of my coaching career and I will never forget him. Rest up kid, I’ll teach you everything I know when I see you again.
Coach Patrick Cottler
I had the pleasure of coaching Calvin over the past several years, and I can truly say that I would not change a thing. The first time I met Calvin, I could not believe that someone of his stature was so fundamentally sound. The biggest challenge I had was trying to manage his ultra-competitive spirit when it would get the best of him. He definitely did not like to lose (me neither). When I first heard the nickname "C-Money," I could not think of a more fitting description. There was no one I wanted on the mound, at the plate, or in the field to get you that one play that the team needed at the most important time. He very rarely disappointed. Being a part of Calvin's teams over the years has also allowed me to get to know Jason, Elizabeth, Robinson, and Mallory and I cannot image not having their friendship. Just another amazing result of Calvin's life. The last team that I had with Calvin was All Stars last summer. It was truly the blessing that coaches cherish, with a scrappy group of incredible young men. I am incredibly thankful for the role that Calvin had on that team and that Jason and I were able appreciate that team in real time. We will never forget them. I share Calvin's love of baseball and his love of the Cubs and as a fellow shortstop would say, "Let's play two." Rest easy slugger, I love you.
Stacy Reedal
When Calvin started 5th grade at Walker I didn't really know him and had no idea how much he would fill my heart. His mom had asked me to keep an eye on him, and I did. Maybe too much at first, since he wanted to know who the stalker lady was at school. We eventually started a book club. It was in our book club that I saw his love of reading, laughter, and friendship. As we would talk about our reading, he would get this reflective look then it would morph to an ornery smile. This was when he would add something deep and insightful to challenge the discussion. Many times, he would hop on our meet and say "I've got it today Ms. Reedal, I am going to lead our meeting." At the end, it would usually be some smack talking about sports. His smile and sweetness will forever touch the hearts of every person he met. I miss you Calvin! Fly high sweet angel! I Love you!
The Fisher Family
The Fishers loved watching, coaching and playing sports with Calvin! Your personality was infectious and your love for others shined! Thank you for letting us be a part of your story. Your legacy will always be alive. Jay, Robin, Jack and Garrick.
Nyasia Bowles
When I first met Calvin in the 2nd grade I thought he was really funny and very cheeky, he was always authentically himself and loud and proud about the things he liked and cared about. He was the kind of person to lighten up the mood even when the situation was grim, and he made everyone smile and laugh and there was never a dull moment around him.
Lisa Wessner
I have been a neighbor for not even a year. I am quiet, but observant. Your family shows up with love. Calvin gave a kind and sweet hello each time I pulled in the driveway while he was outside. I am quite certain he never realized how he made my heart smile. The entirety of the family makes my heart smile. Thank you for sharing your joy with the people you meet, and for spreading Calvin's love forward into something with lasting impact. I send you all my love and hugs.
Logan Brodhead
I am glad I was on Calvin's CBRL team this season. He had a steadfast dedication to the sport and his teammates. Calvin was a lot of fun and really friendly with everyone. My favorite memory is when he came to practice with a hurt hand, but still batted. Bunt after bunt after bunt, and we still couldn't get him out at first! He embodied what it means being a teammate. Positive, enthusiastic, and never giving up.
Blair Carter
Dear Jason - I should have known that you and your wife would have such a cool kid! I surely cannot imagine what y'all are going through, but I do know, however, that our world is poorer because he has passed, while still being much richer because he was here.
Sarah Donahoo
Elizabeth and Jason, My heart breaks for you and your family is in my constant prayers. I am sharing the images from photo sessions I did of your sweet family. Sending you all my love.
Claudine Wispelwey
I remember Calvin’s voice so distinctly - soft and distinct, and so clearly his. We would sit on the hill to watch our son Garrett’s baseball games at Pen Park. Calvin was always there whether he was playing or not. After Garrett would invoke his strategy of taking a walk instead of risking striking out, Calvin would come find me in frustration and exclaim - “I can’t believe Garrett let those all go”. At one very intense game he ran up and told me - "I figured out all of Coach Leigh’s hand signals" - and we all laughed and laughed and I said I am sure you did!!! PS Coach Leigh was not his coach but Calvin was so analytical and intent, that he studied the hand signals and the plays and pieced it all together.
Jodi Wolff-Coussoulos
I had the joy of coaching Calvin in Central Little League for many years. When I think of Calvin, I think of a kid that absolutely loved baseball and loved doing it well. Despite being told he was not the coach, you would often hear Calvin helping the younger kids and explaining the proper way to play. It was as if he couldn’t help himself, he just wanted to make everyone around him better. One of those younger kids was my son, Jack. Jack and Calvin became quick friends on the field and Jack always looked up to Calvin. This year, when Jack made the Buford baseball team with Calvin, I found out that they were always throwing partners. I never got a chance to thank Calvin for taking the lone 6th grader under his wing, but I should not have been surprised, that’s just who he was. So Calvin, thank you. Thank you for being such a great friend to Jack and thank you for being such an integral part of the Kiwanis baseball team. You are greatly missed, Coach Jodi
Georgia Watts
I have since moved from Charlottesville, but clicked on this link while scrolling on Facebook. Immediate gut punch. Calvin was such a smart and sweet boy. “Im so sorry” doesn’t feel adequate enough. So I have searched my phone to find pictures from my first year at Walker-where I taught Calvin for a short period of time. He was the perfect addition to my class and he will be missed by so many! Love and hugs to his family and friends!
Rob Garland
My wife Maran, daughter Clare, and I wanted to pass along our condolences and prayers to all of you. We think of your family often and are so sorry for your loss. Other than being a professional photographer, I am also a Photography teacher at Monticello High and also share a love of kids and baseball. I think of all of you often and was honored to photograph the celebration of life for you in memory of Calvin.
Peggy Van Yahres
I did not know Calvin and had only recently met Elizabeth. I can’t imagine the grief the family is feeling, but I can imagine the grief of his teammates. At 14, my son, Jake, lost his soccer buddy, Jeff, to cancer. At 35 now, many many times during the year, he will talk about his fun experiences with Jeff. Jeff remains in his heart and memories to this very day. So the family may get a tiny bit of relief to know that Calvin will not be forgotten. In fact, he will enrich the hearts of all he loved, played with, and touched for the rest of their lives. With love, Peggy VY